The 6 phases of getting drunk!

4 min readJan 1, 2016


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You might be a teetotaler or a heavy drinker but you will identify with the different phases of drinking one passes through. You have gone out with your friends and ordered 1….2….3.. beers and now you experience the first stage of drunkenness.

FIRST STAGE- Bring me some more Beer:

This is that point where you have started to experience everything in slow motion. Everything has suddenly started to feel so good but why would be worried about that. It’s a good thing right! To make this moment even better, you order another beer or two because the party has just begun.

SECOND STAGE- Why am I not drunk yet?

This is that stage where you literally don’t know what’s happening around you. You have been drinking right from the moment you entered the bar but you are not yet sure if you are drunk or not. At first you ask this to yourself-“Why am I not drunk yet?” After some vague attempt at thinking, you fail and discover that you are not drunk yet. This is the moment when you start pestering each one of your friend by saying “It has not hit me yet. What the hell dude! Is this alcohol fake?

THIRD STAGE- This has finally hit me! I am drunk, I guess!

This is the moment where you are laughing at the most stupidest of jokes and you just can’t help smiling. Your amazing laugh cheers even the most saddest of your friends and they erupt in laughter too. This makes you a bunch of chimpanzees smiling like crazy and every one at the bar is gazing at you. Now you finally take a respite by saying “The alcohol is working just fine, I think I am a bit drunk!

FOURTH STAGE-Hell Yeah! I am drunk!

Now that you know it, you want everyone else to know it too. Yes, you are drunk now and you show it to the world by dancing like a monkey beating your chest and screaming “I am the king of this party!” Everyone in the bar is laughing at you not because you are very funny, it’s because you are acting stupid. You get inspiration from all these applauds and continue acting stupider. You would never know how wasted were you until your friend shows you a video that has been uploaded on YouTube the next day

FIFTH STAGE- I am drunk.. Let’s talk about the saddest thing possible!

The party mood is gone. The Euphoric mode is off and this is the time where all the brothers assemble to talk about their saddest tale which mostly includes bitching about their exes or cursing their job. You can pick any topic you wish, because no one is really gonna listen to your sob-sad story.

SIXTH STAGE- I need to go home now!

This is the final stage which you are definitely not going to remember the next day. The worse is when you think you can go home without any help and you are perfectly fine- Don’t fool yourself bro! You are drunk as hell, your mate will carry you home.

“Where is he?” you shout. Don’t worry. He is throwing up at some place and will be back soon.




Written by Shivam

Author of “How to unleash your true potential”

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