The heading might confuse you and you might end up saying “How is it even possible? We can’t train our mind, some things are just meant to be and we can’t avoid it. This is just bullshit.” But before you close this tab, I want to share a story with you, a real life story of a man named Mr. Wright who lived around the 1950s.
Mr. Wright was suffering from an advanced cancer of the lymph nodes. His neck, armpits, chest, stomach and groin were full of tumors as big as an orange, not to mention the horrible condition of his kidneys and spleen. He had been part of many unsuccessful experiments in order to get treated but of no use. At this point of time when he had lost all hopes and nearing death bed, he heard about an experiment with Krebiozen by famous Psychologist Bruno Klopfer.
People already had some speculations that this drug could be a game changer and it would be very effective in treating cancer and that convinced Mr. Wright to get an injection. He did and within few days, he got out of bed and was able to walk around. After around 2 months, when he had no trace cancer left, press released reports that Krebiozen was not that effective and couldn’t cure cancer. This made him depressed and he got cancer again forcing him to go back to the hospital.
This time, Dr. Bruno Klopfer decided to try something new, a physiological experiment. He told his patient that the articles were based on an ineffective line of Krebiozen and that he had a new formula, which was a higher quality, and more effective. Mr. Wright was very happy to hear that and so he was injected with another dose of the treatment. But this time it was placebo — distilled water. The results were sensational again! Mr. Wright was released from the hospital absolutely healthy. But things didn’t turn out so well for him. After 2 months, there was yet another press release that said any form Krebiozen was not at all effective in treating cancer. This had a huge impact on Mr. Wright, he got his cancer back and died within 2 days.
What does it imply though?
Placebo and Nocebo( opposite of placebo) are quite big terms that might mean nothing to you but this story does signify something. It shows how the power of brain can be utilized to do anything we want. A disease like cancer was treated by its power and so could all of your problems. You just need to know how to use your brain. This might seem like an uphill task but the following tricks might help you out.
This is what you need to do!
If you are still with me on the premise that our mind can do the most amazing things, but still have no idea on to how can you train your brain, these quick points would help you:
- Have a goal in mind: Every task would seem like an uphill if you don’t have an idea of what you are doing. If you want to succeed, you must first know what you really want. Have that goal set up in your mind and then move forward.
- Be Optimistic: This is really an important point because it can trick a lot of you. Being optimistic doesn’t mean you aspire for things you can never achieve. You need to know your reach and where you can go. Being realistic and optimistic at the same time will do it for you. Once you are done setting up your goal, you need to keep believing in yourself and think of reasons on how you can achieve the target.
- Constantly pump yourself: There would be times when you deviate and might lose focus. This is the time you start pumping yourself and keep believing.
- Just keep going: The bigger your dream is, the harder you need to work. It takes time. Every noble cause takes time and yours is gonna too. You just need to keep going in the direction you are headed to. You will reach there, you just need to keep believing in that direction.
Did you notice how I kept using the word “believe” in almost all the points? This wasn’t because I was lacking words, it was because belief is the only thing that separates your dream from reality. Mr. Wright believed in that medicine and he won against Cancer, imagine the work you can do with that self-belief. Just keep working for your dream with just one slogan in mind.
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