Originally published on Skit Hub
“It’s just not my calling. I was not born to do engineering. I am not suited for 9–5 jobs, I am an artist and will quit my job to achieve my dreams”
How often have you heard these words? Quite, many a time, right? Why are we even talking about others when we can talk about ourselves. We have thought about this too. Most of us are bored of our jobs and keep talking about how our job sucks. And the worst part about it is that it has hardly anything to do with your dream. You could be an actor because you always wanted to be one and yet you get tired of doing the same thing every day. What could be the possible reason for that?
We are working to be somebody rather than working for pleasure!
We are not particularly sure of what we want. We might say we want to become an engineer, but that could be just because of the high salaries and nothing related to what gives you pleasure. You complete your engineering, and aspire to earn fat paycheques too but you don’t because you never aspired to be an engineer. You aspired to become a person who earns well. You might now want to change your profession, taking a dig into various other fields but your aim is still the same. You are looking for money, rather than seeking pleasure from the work you do. You continue wandering endlessly and claim how hard life is.
When you’re only working to be somebody, rather than focusing on doing the work for its own sake, it’s going to suffer. The quality will be low and the level of effort you put in is going to be noticeably lacking. And we would forever be searching for the ultimate goal we aspired to achieve.
Your job will always suck, you need to make it worthwhile!
If you keep working for a goal without any visible effort in the process, your job is going to suck. If you are working for a goal with the best of strategic planning, don’t be happy, your job is going to suck anyway. Jobs will always suck. No one on Earth would want to work for the rest of their lives without something to cheer for. The best way out is to stop looking at the goal and seek enjoyment in the smallest things you do. Why?
Because nobody ever actually feels like they have become something. They work for their grand dreams all these days and when it finally arrives, it doesn’t feel anything. You achieved something, you feel happiness for a moment and that’s it. You can be happier eating an ice cream and this is what you need to look for.
Following your dreams, living your life is about getting up in the morning and going to work. The more you think about the complexity involved, the more your job is going to suck. Enjoy the smallest of things. Make small goals and cherish their accomplishments. Treat yourself for everything you learn and every small work you do. You deserve all of these.
Jobs don’t particularly suck until you make it do so.